Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Big Announcement!

No, we aren't pregnant! 

We're moving to Kansas! 

"KANSAS?" you ask? Yes. Wichita, Kansas. 

After months of applying and searching for jobs, God has opened a door for me to teach in an incredible school in a truly phenomenal district. 

While Kansas was no where near my first choice in terms of location, I truly believe this is a great opportunity. 

I will be teaching English as a Second Language at Jardine Technology Magnet Middle School to primarily Hispanic students. I have visited once, and I already love the school, the staff, and the students. While it is going to be a huge adjustment being that far from home, knowing that I will be in a school I love turns that fear into excitement. 

I have also found us a fantastically adorable apartment to live in, and I am super pumped about living there. This is also a great opportunity for Ray and I to grow closer.

While this potential move has been in the background for a while, I wanted to be certain this was definite before I officially announced it. But I sent in my first check to the apartment today and am signing my contract this week, so I am not sure how much more official it can get. 

We will miss all of our friends and family here and are looking forward to seeing you before we take off this August. That said, unless God keeps us there, this move is not forever. Once we start having babies, we plan to move back. But that won't be for a while... 

Until then, we appreciate your prayers and your love and we take this huge step into the real world.