I am a little late posting this, but I wanted to write a blog about how perfect our anniversary was.
Before you tune out, I promise you it isn't a sappy story about how wonderfully romantic our life is. But instead is a reminder of how perfect God's timing is.
Ray and I were looking forward to our big one year like no other. We had plans to go away for the weekend, have an incredibly nice dinner, and buy each other a super nice, but very sentimental gift.
But like most laid plans, this one went awry.
I have never been more thankful that they did.
After we moved out here, we knew that Ray's last Walmart check from Illinois would hold us over until we had my first check on the 20th. What we did not plan on was the check going missing for two weeks and my new teacher advancement not coming until the 30th instead of the 20th. Talk about frantic. Had it not been for my mom buying us food, we would have been eating moldy bagels. We had no money. None.
But for the first time in my life, I have never felt so blessed or so taken care of. I knew that somehow, someway God was going to get us those checks, and I knew it was going to be when we needed them, not when we wanted them.
That they did. FINALLY! The first arrived two days after our anniversary.
Which brings me back to the point of what I wanted to write.
Instead of some elaborate picturesque weekend away. I got to spend quality time with the man of my dreams, giving each other gifts that cost less than $20 combined, and being reminded of a priceless lesson.
I gave Ray a little plaque for his nightstand that said "I love you more." He, like most holidays, blew mine out of the water.
After handing me a "Happy Anniversary" card that he forgot to sign (he said I knew who it was from), he handed me a little book he had made himself. The cover was hand drawn, and the pages each had a huge letter, spelling out "LOVE" over four pages. Next to those letters was the most beautiful, heartfelt, message I have ever been given. I never knew how much of a man of words my husband was until this book. He described the way he fell in love with me, the blessing that our first year of marriage was, and the excitement he has for our future. I have never felt more loved, valued, or treasured in my life.
What was the most perfect about the entire card though was a line that said, "Here we are on our first anniversary, on the verge of making more money than we've ever made, and we are flat broke having no idea how are bills will be paid." He closed his card by saying what will bring us through is Love and God. He's exactly right.
God has taught us so many lessons in our first year. But I'm not sure I have ever been so thankful to learn this one. No matter the situation in which we find ourselves, love and God will always bring us through.
When Ray proposed he said, "Whether we're traveling the world or eating burnt rice in the kitchen with Aiden and Avery (an event that happened the night of our proposal), as long as I'm with you, I'm happy." I could not have agreed more then, just as I could not agree more now.
Happy anniversary, Baby. I love you!
One year later :) |
P.S. Thank you, Mom, for paying for an incredible anniversary dinner!!! We love you!